
中川 和子 様

小児科医師 / 1950年生

私がJale Japanの天然ザクロジュースを飲むきっかけとなったのは、信頼する方からのプレゼントでした。1口くちにしただけで、これは自分の好きな味だと直感しました。

このJale Japan天然ザクロジュースを私が続けて飲んでいるのは、3つの理由からです。


第二には、ザクロジュースの味です。このJale Japan天然ザクロジュースの味は、なんとも言えない酸味と苦味、渋みがミックスされた私の好きな味だからです。



Benefits in consuming Organic

Kazuko Nakagawa, M.D., Ph.D.

Jale Japan Natural Pomegranate Juice was first introduced to me as a gift from someone I trust.  From the first sip, I knew that this was a flavor I would enjoy.

There are three reasons why I continuously drink Jale Japan Natural Pomegranate Juice.

First, it is an organic product that is produced in the Republic of Azerbaycan and does not contain any additives.  There are no sugar, preservative or coloring added.

To consume a safe product is a very important factor in continuous use.

Secondly, I like the taste of the natural pomegranate juice of Jale Japan.  It is a mix of sour and bitter taste that I really like.

Thirdly, I am excited about the positive effect on the body from the polyphenol from the pomegranate.

These are the three important reasons for me.  Everyday I enjoy drinking the pomegranate juice by itself or by mixing with sparkling water.  I recommend it.



